Minimum order 10 before tax
(662) 432 -4947
8:15AM - 6:30PM
10:30AM - 6:30PM
8:15AM - 10:30AM
Your choice of Meat, 2 sides & a biscuit
Make any item into a plate, with adding a drink and 2 sides and roll
White Cheddar Cheese, Chopped lettuce, diced tomato, sauteed peppers & onions, slaw, king pickles, king sauce
Pulled smoked chicken, bacon, cheese, slaw, king pickles, white bbq sauce, honey bbq sauce
Chicken, bacon and cheese
Chicken, bacon and cheese
Pulled chicken, bacon, and cheese
When Available
w/ Bacon & Cheese for 1.00 more
w/ Bacon and cheese .50 more
24pc bone in chicken
Fried 1/2 bird, 2 Pint sides, King pickles, rolls
10 tenders, 2 pint sides, king pickles, rolls, king sauce
Fried whole bird, 2 quart sides, king pickles, rolls
Smoked whole bird, 2 quart sides, king pickles, rolls
20 tenders, 2 quart sides, king pickles, rolls, king sauce
Full Portion
Half Portion
Fried, Grilled or Pulled Smoked Chicken, Bacon, White Cheddar Cheese, sauteed Peppers & Onions, King Pickles, Baked Beans King Sauce
2pc Fish, 2 Sides, Hushpuppies & Bread